Oct 23, 2021
Dr. Tyrone Bynoe, associate professor and director of the educational leadership program, is awaiting publication of the three works below. The first two works are accepted and submitted to be printed. The third is being reviewed:
- "Visionary and Mission-minded School Leadership Grounded in Adult Learning Theory," a book chapter in "Case Studies in Leadership and Adult Development: Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Real World Challenges." (Lavenia, K. & May, J., editors;
Routledge-Taylor and Francis Group publishers.)
- "COVID-19 and School Finance: Adjusting to Downturns and Accommodating the Costs of Online Education," with Downes, T., a book chapter in "Recent Advancement in Education Finance and Policy." (Downes, T, & Killeen, K, editors; Information
Age Publishing.)
- "Student Sense of Belonging and Psychological Safety on GPA: Predicting Measures of Student Success," with co-author Shaw, S., manuscript submitted to Biblical Higher Education Journal.
Bynoe also presented (online) a paper titled "An Explanatory Quantitative Study of the Funding Policy Supporting British Academics and American Charter Schools," with co-author Michalis Constantinides, at the Sept. 6 European Education Research Association
Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.
He has also accepted a $3,500 scholarship to participate in the Education Finance Certificate Program, sponsored by Edunomics and Georgetown University, to be held Nov. 9-10 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Bynoe has also completed training as a program reviewer with the National Policy Board of Education Administration and the National Association of Secondary School Principals.